
 The German speaking people in general love music and love to sing alone, but more so in a group. When we get together with a bunch of women, it does not take long and we start singing. To me singing is " Ointment for the soul."

We have songs for every occasion, every emotion, every kind of work, all seasons, all climats, all animals, all the different holidays etc. You name a subject and I am sure I could find a song telling about it.

Since the ending of the World War II, singing in Germany is not so popular any more.

Yet, I am confident that it will again be thought in school.

My son, who lives in England brought a newspaper when he visited. In it was this short article:

Singing at School.

The Times, Oct, 18,06


Schools should bring back the singing of traditonal songs that every child once knew, a report has urged.

Music Menifesto, a group of 600 organizations involved in music education, said singing should be back at the heart of school music activities.


Well, there you have it. If they do it in England, Germany will follow.












Link to MasquelierOnline.com



Deutscher Liederschatz, very true, translated

Vierzehn Volkslieder, translated by Dr. J.Eichhoff

Der Liederweg, 37 bekannte Volks und Wanderlieder

Friedrich Silcher, & many, many songs

Erlaube mir feins Maedchen, Brahms, translated

Im schoensten Wiesengrunde, translated

Die Forelle, The Trout. Schubert, translated

Merry Widow Waltz, translated

Freut euch des Lebens,1795, translated

Die linden Luefte sind erwacht, translated

Lili Marleen, translated

Lorelei, German & Englis

Der Blutsauger, Heine

Danke fuer diesen guten morgen,

So nimm denn meine Haende, Engl. transl.

Bavarian Hymn

Dat du min Leevsten buest,Translated

Das Wandern ist des Muellers Lust, Germ./Eng.

Lied fuer die Arbeiterbewegung, 1817 - 1875

Zogen einst fuenf wilde Schwaene,

Schlesier Lied, Blaue Berge, Gruene Taeler

Hohe Tannen weisen die Sterne

Kehr ich einst zur Heimat wieder

Heimat deine Sterne,Ernst Knauf

Der Fahrradfahrer

Die Himmel ruehmen

Aus der Traube in die Tonne



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