Father Jahn,

founder of the Turnverein

Movement, 1787 - 1852


Without knowledge of the history of once own country, a citizen is only a toy in the hands of swindlers .

Every nation which treasures its independence should be careful to keep its citizens educated and protect it from globalism. A people that gives up its own language will loose its voice in the family of nations; it will be silenced on the world stage.

A people that derives plaesure from pursuing its own roots can always lift itself up to celebrate another birthday.

Vater Jahn







Link to MasquelierOnline.com


The Turner Movement, Nationwide,


and San Jose.

  Research Guide to the Turner movement


   Turner Hall, Sacramento, California, built in 1925, the       Verein (Club) started in 1854

Jack La Lanne and the Turner Paul Knauer

The Turner Movement, Nationwide Frish, Fromm, Froehlich, Frei,

Turn Verein Lectures, What was on their mind

Turner Movement, San Jose, 1868

Old Turnverein Medals, What do they mean?

Sacramento Paper writes about the Turners, August 7, 2008


San Jose, California







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